Monday, August 26, 2013

Day with Dee

1827-1888 Such an ornate and beautiful stone withstanding the ravages of time...Randleman NC

An Old Cemetery 

The mists swirl, the moon shines bright.
No one dares stray here.
They would never desire to,
Unless the earth covers what they hold dear.

Bodies sleep subconsciously
In the presence of their God,
Singing silent songs that decompose,
Under the wild earth their restless souls trod.

The headstones stand pale and somber,
Reflecting the white aurora's glow.
Memories play like broken records,
Trapped inside, echoing lethargic tones.

The world's slow spin cradles them to sleep.
Heavy eyelids come to rise no more.
A thousand sunsets dwindle and pass
Lives that mortality ripped and tore. 

Sit quietly on
ancient wooden pews
listen to the sounds
of color, shaped by songs in praise of light
Light dancing off glass
moving to sparkling rhythms
sending messages of fire, sand
and timeless beauty
Hymns of praise sung by light through glass.....Suzanne Cooper

An unmarked grave...perhaps the reasons will remain unknown but they sure loved this deceased person.

Sweet Little wood fairy at a childs tombstone.

My best friend Dee

Asheboro NC city cemetery.  This statue stands on the grave of a 19 year old girl.

close up of the wreath the girl is holding

This is the face of time...Time for all to heal

Nice looking woman who seems to be taken by surprise.

I love wrought iron gates...this one was simple, elegant and beautiful too.

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